Life's Journey

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

On Marriage

I remember a few weeks ago, in my office, my colleague was talking about dating and marriage, and I said "I don't care about getting married", and "it means nothing to me, for me, as long as we are together, as long as there is love"...that's how I feel about it, for me...I'm fine with, and respect, other people wanting to get married, that means something to them, and is "right" for them...but I don't feel like I need it, and I don't...I'd love to meet someone, though, and have a close, loving, deep (etc) relationship with him...

If someone doesn't want to get married, it doesn't necessarily mean that they lack commitment and/or that they do not love their partner, and/or that they cannot be trusted...a couple can have a relationship where they stay together for many years, and/or for the rest of their lives, without being married (and I have known a few of these couples...).

Sometimes it is, actually, because one of the partners does not want to get married to their current partner, and/or who said that they did not believe in marriage, and then they break up, and he/she marries the next partner! And it was because they changed their mind when they met the "right one"'s not always to do with deceit...

It can present a large hurdle in a relationship, when one partner does not want to get married, and the other partner really wants to, and/or needs to...I am reminded of the film, "He Is Just Not That Into You", (which I really like and have seen a few times!), when Jennifer Anniston's character doubted the love of her partner because he did not believe in marriage...even though he loved her very much...

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